The leadership and members of the Georgia Medical Directors Association really do recognize the professional nature of our exhibitor and sponsors, and we consider each one a colleague instead of a "sales rep".  You are the most consistent source of new medical products and information that busy practitioners need.  We recognize that it is always a problem of timing because we are both so busy, but we really do try to accommodate you into busy schedules. 

GMDA will be happy to assist you to learn the geriatric provider space. Feel free to contact Perry Kemp, Executive Director directly by phone (404-401-0225) or email:  [email protected] or [email protected].

GMDA conducts two symposia per year. Our Winter Symposium is usually the third weekend in January, is a two-day meeting providing 8-9 CME hours, and is usually in the metro or mid-town Atlanta area. We have a full slate of exhibit times.  Our Summer Symposium is usually the second to fourth weekend (Friday through Sunday) in July at a resort or historical-type location.  We have met in Savannah many times but may be moving around now that Covid is waning. We have two days of exhibits at that meeting and offer 12-13 CME hours.

We are learning to deal with the new ACCME rules and still make the investment that you make worth it.  If you ever think that we did not deliver value for your dollar, we will easily refund it to you.

We always try to provide slots for Industry-Sponsored non-CME meal presentations. Reservations are first-come, first-served, so plan ahead.  We will do everything we can to guide you and promote your offering..

Meeting or Annual Sponsorships are greatly appreciated and provide you a lot of exposure.  Check with the office for pricing and benefits of a Silver, Gold, or Platinum Sponsorship.